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When the Son of man shall come in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then shall He sit upon the throne of His glory.
Matthew 25:31

About Us.

Christ the King Lutheran Church is a Traditional, Liturgical, Biblical congregation in the Iowa Great Lakes Region committed to ministering to sinners with the forgiving presence of Jesus Christ.

Christ the King Lutheran Church of Spencer, IA

Who We Are

Christ the King Lutheran Church is a congregation of God’s people, gathered by the Holy Spirit to Jesus Christ around His saving Word and life-giving Sacraments. At the center of our life together is the Divine Service of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. By His life, suffering, death and resurrection, we are given forgiveness and are born again in His name. Through faithful careful and teaching, we minister to sinners that they may experience the fullness of new life in Christ and His Church.

We hold to the Bible, which is the infallible Word of God, inspired by the Triune God, without error. We believe that the Scriptures are correctly explained in the Small Catechism of Martin Luther, the Unaltered Augsburg Confession (1531), and the entire Book of Concord (1580).

In today’s society, the Church has been forgotten or removed out of many people’s lives. What results for man is a life which becomes weary of always trying to prove and make himself worthy before God, which leads only to being crushed by the Law and God’s wrath. We encourage everyone to to take time out of their busy schedules, hectic lives, and daily grind and find true rest in Jesus Christ as He is found in His Church. God has chosen His Church as the place where He delivers His gifts of life and salvation. Only in His Church will you find true rest for your soul and true forgiveness for your sin and guilt.
Whether you have never been to Church, fallen away from the faith, or are tired of water-down Christianity, we welcome you to join us at Christ the King to experience the love of God, the forgiveness of sins, and life eternal.

May the Holy Spirit work in your life as He calls you into His Kingdom.


The Scriptures are the Infallible Word of God


A Congregation of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession (1531)


A proud member of
the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod


The Historic Common Service

What We Offer

Divine Service

Sunday, 9:00 a.m.
The Common Service
LSB, p. 184

Weekly Matins services are available via our podcast.

Adult Bible Study

Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
This Year's Topic:
The Augsburg Confession & Apology

Remote participation through Zoom is available upon request.

Sunday school

Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
This Year:
Narratives of the Old Testament

Available for newborn/toddler through high school.

Youth & Adult Catechesis

First Year Youth Catechesis: Wednesday, 4:00 p.m.

Third Year Youth Catechesis:
Wednesday, 5:00 p.m.

Adult Catechesis: Scheduled with Rev. McGinley

Hear Our Sermons on Our Podcast!

The Christ the King (Spencer) Podcast

Find our podcast in the link above or by searching "The Christ the King (Spencer) Podcast" on your podcast provider.

We weekly (Mondays or Tuesdays) post our podcast which includes that week's sermon with a bulletin in a prayer service format.
All to help enhance your devotion at home while allowing you to hear or rehear the sermon that week.
The Christ the King (Spencer) podcast has a backlog of over two years worth of sermons and prayer services.


500 4th Ave SW
Spencer, IA  51301

Our hours

Sundays – 9:00am
Weekdays – Visit 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. or call for appointment

Contact us

Phone: 1 712 262 2244

© Christ the King Lutheran Church, 2022 All Rights Reserved.