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Third Year Youth Catechumenate

Catechesis in the Gospel according to Matthew

Youth Catechesis at Christ the King is a four year process of molding the catechumen in the faith by focusing on Biblical literacy, the most important narratives of Scripture, praying the Psalms, developing a daily routine of prayer and devotion, learning the Small Catechism by heart, and learning from the Small and Large Catechism.

The third year of Youth Catechesis at Christ the King focuses on the Gospel according to Matthew, the curriculum created by Rev. Michael McGinley as drawn and based on Discourses in Matthew: Jesus Teaches the Church and The Sermon on the Mount: The Church’s First Statement of the Gospel both by Rev. Dr. David P. Scaer.

Resources are provided below for the catechumens and their families as they journey through the third year of formal catechesis classes.


Unit 1:
The Bible of the Genesis of Jesus
Lessons 1-9

“Tree of Jesse” illustration based on the Hortus deliciarum of Herrad of Landsberg, A.D. 1180.

Lesson 1
The Genesis of Jesus

ReadingsMatthew 1:1-17; Psalm 8 (v. 1)

Complementary Readings:

1) Abraham: Genesis 12:1-9, 15:1-15

2) Jacob/Joseph: Genesis 37:1-36

3) Rehab: Joshua 2, 6:22-25

4) David: 2 Samuel 7:1-17, 11:1-12:25

5) The Babylonian Captivity: 2 Kings 25:1-21; 2 Chronicles 36:1-23

Memorization Verse: Matthew 1:1

Hymn: LSB 357 – O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

Learn More: 

Matthew the Apostle – Rev. Dr. David Scaer, Issues, Etc., 9/21/15

Incarnation, Children and Abortion – Rev. Dr. David Scaer, Issues, Etc., 2/3/14

Collect (Prayer for Lesson): We beseech Your Name, O Lord, which is great, wonderful, and holy, that as You created the beasts of the field for the service of man, so You would cause man to delight in the service of You; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Click on the links for the readings, hymns, and podcasts.

Source for Collect: The Brotherhood Prayer Book, Collect for Psalm 8

“Jesse Tree,” illustration on parchment by unknown, Bible of the Capuchins.

Lesson 2
The Birth of Immanuel of Jesus

Readings: Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1:46-55

Complementary Readings:

1) Isaiah 7:10-17

2) Isaiah 9:1-7

3) Isaiah 45:1-13

4) Deuteronomy 22:13-14, 20-21

5) Luke 1:26-38, 2:1-21

Memorization Verse: Same as the reading

Hymn: LSB 359 – Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming

Learn More: 

The Angel Visits Joseph, Matthew 1:18-25 – Rev. Tom Baker, Issues, Etc., 12/31/15

The First Christmas – Dr. Paul Maier, Issues, Etc., 12/25/12

The O Antiphons: O Emmanuel – Rev. Will Weedon, Issues, Etc., 12/19/17

Joseph, The Guardian of Jesus – Rev. Dr. Arthur Just, Issues, Etc., 3/19/21

Collect (Prayer for Lesson): O God, Who has made this most holy night to shine with the brightness of the true Light, grant, we beseech You, that, as we have known on earth the mysteries of that Light, we may also come to the fullness of His joys in heaven; through the same Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Click on the links for the readings, hymns, and podcasts.

Source for Collect: Collect for Christmas Eve

“Joseph’s Dream,” painting by Rembrandt, A.D. 1645

Lesson 3
Out of Egypt I Called My Son

Lesson 3 was originally split into lessons 3 & 4, which have since been combined. 

Readings: Matthew 2:1-23; Psalm 72 (v. 17b)

Complementary Readings:

1) Numbers 24:15-19

2) Isaiah 60:1-7

3) Ezekiel 34:11-21

4) Hosea 11:1-11

5) Jeremiah 31:15-22

6) Genesis 31:1-11, 40:1-41:36

7) Exodus 1:1-2:25

8) Judges 13

Memorization Verse: Micah 5:2-5; Luke 2:29-32

Hymn: LSB 399 – The Star Proclaims the King Is here

Learn More: 

The Visit of the Magi – Rev. Tom Baker, Issues, Etc., 11/8/22

The Magi – Dr. Paul Maier, Issues, Etc., 1/11/13

The Slaughter of the Holy Innocents – Rev. Dr. Jeff Gibbs, Issues, Etc., 12/26/18

Apparent Contradictions in the Genealogies of Jesus and the Visit of the Magi – Rev. Dr. Jeff Gibbs, Issues, Etc., 1/2/19

Collect (Prayer for Lesson): O Lord, to Whom Kings and the idles bring gifts, Who with Your unconquered power, and through Your heavenly pity, came to save the poor from the mighty, and frail mankind from the sway of the ancient enemy; seeing that we are far from You, and in need of Your mercies, that we are subject to his unrighteousness, tied and bound with chains of our sins: let Your lovingkindness deliver us now from his service, restore us to You, and keep us safely to abide with You, that we, who confess ourselves redeemed by Your mercy, may hereafter glory in the gifts attained by Your bounty; Who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Click on the links for the readings, hymns, and podcasts.

Source for Collect: The Brotherhood Prayer Book, Collect for Psalm 72

“Adoration of the Magi,” painting by Barolome Esteban Murillo, A.D. 1655-60

Lesson 5
The Baptism of John

Readings: Matthew 3:1-12; Luke 1:68-79

Complementary Readings:

1) Daniel 2:24-45

2) Malachi 3:1-7, 4:1-6

3) Isaiah 40:1-4

4) Luke 1:5-25, 39-45, 57-80

Memorization Verse: Isaiah 40:3-5

Hymn: LSB 345 – Hark! A Thrilling Voice is Sounding

Learn More: 

Jesus Prepares the Way, Matthew 3:1-12 – Rev. Tom Baker, Issues, Etc., 2/3/16

John the Baptist – Rev. Dr. Jeff Gibbs, Issues, Etc., 11/29/16

Collect (Prayer for Lesson): Almighty God, Who through John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ, proclaimed salvation: grant that we may know this Your salvation, and serve You in holiness and righteousness all the days of our life; through the same Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Click on the links for the readings, hymns, and podcasts.

Source for Collect: Collect for the Nativity of John the Baptist

“St. John the Baptist Preaching,” painting by Mattis Preti, A.D. 1665

Lesson 6
The Baptism of Our Lord

Readings: Matthew 3:13-17; Psalm 2 (v. 1)

Complementary Readings:

1) John 1:6-9, 15, 19-42

2) Isaiah 11:1-16

3) Isaiah 42:1-9

4) 2 Peter 1:16-21

5) 1 John 5:9-13

Memorization Verse: Matthew 3:16-17

Hymn: LSB 406/7 – To Jordan Came the Christ, Our Lord

Learn More: 

The Baptism of Jesus, Matthew 3:13-17 – Rev. Tom Baker, Issues, Etc., 1/7/14

The Four Accounts of Jesus’ Baptism – Rev. Dr. Adam Koontz, Issues, Etc., 7/26/22

Collect (Prayer for Lesson): Break in sunder, O Lord, we beseech You, the chains of our sins; that, taking upon us Your yoke and easy burden, we may serve You, with fear and reverence, all the days of our life; through the Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Click on the links for the readings, hymns, and podcasts.

Source for Collect: The Brotherhood Prayer book, Collect for Psalm 2

“Baptism of Christ,” painting by Juan Fernandez Navarrete, A.D. 1567

Lesson 8
The Ministry of Jesus Begins

Lesson 8 was originally split into lessons 8 & 9, which have since been combined

Readings: Matthew 4:12-25; Psalm 23 (John 10:14-15)

Complementary Readings:

1) John 3:22-36

2) Isaiah 9:1-7, 42:1-9

3) Job 3:1-26

4) John 5:31-35

Memorization Verse: Isaiah 9:2; Matthew 4:19

Hymn: LSB 412 – The People That In Darkness Sat; LSB 403 – O Savior of Our Fallen Race

Learn More: Jesus Calls the First Disciples, Matthew 4:12-25 – Rev. Tom Baker, Issues, Etc., 1/21/14

Collect (Prayer for Lesson): Shepherd us, O Lord, with the sweet rod and staff of Your Word, that we may obtain a place in Your eternal habitation, and be filled with plentitude of the celestial banquet; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Click on the links for the readings, hymns, and podcasts.

Source for Collect: The Brotherhood Prayer book, Collect for Psalm 23

“Calling of the First Apostles,” painting by Domenico Ghirlandaio, A.D. 1481