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First Year Youth Catechumenate
The Lutheran Catechesis Series

The Lutheran Catechesis Series

Christ the King Lutheran Church uses the Lutheran Catechesis Series from Concordia Catechetical Academy to teach the faith.

Created by Rev. Peter Bender, more information on Concordia Catechetical Academy and the Lutheran Catechesis Series can be found at the link below.

Old Testament Catechesis

Youth Catechesis at Christ the King is a four year process of molding the catechumen in the faith by focusing on Biblical literacy, the most important narratives of Scripture, praying the Psalms, developing a daily routine of prayer and devotion, learning the Small Catechism by heart, and learning from the Small and Large Catechism.

The first year of Youth Catechesis at Christ the King focuses on the most important narratives of the Old Testament, adapted from the Old Testament Catechesis curriculum created by Rev. Peter Bender. 

Resources are provided below for the catechumens and their families as they journey through the first year of formal catechesis classes.


Lesson 1
God - The Creation of All Things

ReadingsGenesis 1:1-2:3Psalm 104 (v. 1)

Complementary Readings: None

Memorization Verse: Genesis 1:26-27

Hymn: LSB 954 – We All Believe in One True God

Learn More: 

The Creation Accounts in Genesis – Dr. Kevin Golden, Issues, Etc., 7/19/22

Creation, Part 1: The New Testament and Jesus on Creation – Dr. Joel Heck, Issues, Etc., 2/14/13

Creation, Part 2: Dating the Age of the Earth – Dr. Joel Heck, Issues, Etc., 2/25/13

Collect (Prayer for Lesson): O Lord God Almighty, Who has commanded the evening and the morning, and the noontide to be called one day, and has bidden the sun to know his going down: pierce, we beseech You, the darkness of our hearts, that as You shed Yours rays, we may acknowledge You to be Very God and Light everlasting; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Click on the links for the readings, hymns, and podcasts.

Source for Collect: The Brotherhood Prayer Book, Collect for Psalm 104.

“The Creation,” illustration from 1534 Luther Bible by Lucas Cranach, A.D. 1534.

Lesson 2
Adam & Eve - The Creation of Man and the Institution of Marriage

Readings: Genesis 2:4-25; Psalm 8 (v. 1)

Complementary Readings: None

Memorization Verse: Genesis 2:23-25

Hymn: LSB 858 – O Father, All Creating

Learn More: 

The Creation of Adam & Eve: Genesis 1:26-2:25 – Rev. Tom Baker, Issues, Etc., 9/18/14

Creation, Part 3: The Icons of Evolution – Dr. Joel Heck, Issues, Etc., 3/8/13

Creation, Part 6: Literalism and the Creation Account – Dr. Joel Heck, Issues, Etc., 4/3/13

Collect (Prayer for Lesson): We beseech Your Name, O Lord, which is great, wonderful, and holy, that as You created the beasts of the field for the service of man, so You would cause man to delight in the service of You; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Click on the links for the readings, hymns, and podcasts.

Source for Collect: The Brotherhood Prayer Book, Collect for Psalm 8.

“The Creation of Adam,” fresco painting in the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo, A.D. 1511.

Lesson 3
Adam & Eve - The Fall into Sin, Satan, and the First Promise

Readings: Genesis 3:1-24; Psalm 139 (v. 1)

Complementary Readings: None

Memorization Verse: Genesis 3:15

Hymn: LSB 562 – All Mankind Fell in Adam’s Sin

Learn More: 

The Fall into Sin – Rev. Tom Baker, Issues, Etc., 7/5/22

Introducing the Books of the Bible: Genesis – Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller, Issues, Etc., 1/8/18

Collect (Prayer for Lesson): O Lord, mercifully hear our prayer: and stretch forth the right hand of Your majesty to defend us from them that rise up against us; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Click on the links for the readings, hymns, and podcasts.

Source for Collect: The First Sunday of Lent – Invocabit.

“The Fall and Expulsion from Paradise,” fresco painting in the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo, A.D. 1510-64.

Lesson 4
Cain & Abel - Sin's Legacy, Seth, and the Genealogy of Death

Readings: Genesis 4:1-26, Hebrews 11:1-6; Psalm 9 (v. 19a)

Complementary Readings: None

Memorization Verse: Hebrews 11:4

Hymn: LSB 563 – Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness

Learn More:

Cain and Abel – Rev. Tom Baker, Issues, Etc., 3/19/18

Are There Gaps in the Genesis Genealogies? – Rev. Andrew Steinmann, Issues, Etc., 2/26/20

Collect (Prayer for Lesson): Open, O merciful Lord, Your ears to our prayers, You who never forsakes them that trust in You: so that we, being lifted up from the gates of perpetual death, may be able safely to escape the snares of the tempter; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Click on the links for the readings, hymns, and podcasts.

Source for Collect: The Brotherhood Prayer Book, Collect for Psalm 9.

“The First Mourning,” painting byWilliam-Adolphe Bouguereau, A.D. 1888.

Lesson 5
Noah - The Great Flood That Covered the Earth

Readings: Genesis 6:1-7:24, 1 Peter 3:20-21; Psalm 14 (v. 2a)

Complementary Readings: None

Memorization Verse: Genesis 6:5

Hymn: LSB 755 – In the Very Midst of Life

Learn More:

Martin Luther’s Baptismal Flood Prayer – Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller, Issues, Etc., 8/8/17

Creation, Part 4: The Grand Canyon and the Flood of Noah – Dr. Joel Heck, Issues, Etc., 3/13/13

Creation, Part 5: Does Genesis Fit an Old Earth Model? – Dr. Joel Heck, Issues, Etc., 3/20/13

Collect (Prayer for Lesson): Grant to us, merciful God, to enter Your Church without spot, and turn us away from doing evil to our neighbors; that while we observe all things according to Your precepts, we may not be afflicted by Your punishments forever; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Click on the links for the readings, hymns, and podcasts.

Source for Collect: The Brotherhood Prayer Book, Collect for Psalm 14..

“The Deluge,” painting by Francis Danby, A.D. 1840.

Lesson 6
Noah - God's Covenant with Noah and the Nations

Readings: Genesis 8:1-9:29; Psalm 29 (v. 2b)

Complementary Readings: None

Memorization Verse: Genesis 8:21

Hymn: LSB 777 – Grant Peace, We Pray, in Mercy, Lord

Learn More:

Noah and the Flood – Rev. Tom Baker, Issues, Etc., 7/12/22

Creation, Part 7: Dinosaurs, Creation and the Flood – Dr. Joel Heck, Issues, Etc., 4/10/13

Collect (Prayer for Lesson): Grant, O Lord, strength to Your people against the ills of all adversity; enrich us with the blessing of Your peace, that in the abundance of our quiet, we may all give glory to You in Your holy Temple, and forgetting the misfortunes of this life, may ever render to You honor and praise; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Click on the links for the readings, hymns, and podcasts.

Source for Collect: The Brotherhood Prayer Book, Collect for Psalm 29.

“The Subsiding of the Waters of the Deluge,” painting by Thomas Cole, A.D. 1829.

Lesson 7
The Tower of Babel - God Confuses Man's Language

In Catechesis class, Lesson 7 is taught alongside Lesson 9 to compare and contrast man attempting to make a name for himself with God making a name for Abraham. Lesson 8 is either skipped or added at the end of the year.

Readings: Genesis 11:1-9; Psalm 2 (v. 11)

Complementary Readings: None

Memorization Verse: Genesis 12:3

Hymn: LSB 569 – In Adam We Have All Been One

Learn More:

The Tower of Babel, Genesis 11:1-9 – Rev. Tom Baker, Issues, Etc., 5/28/13

The Tower of Babel – Dr. Joel Heck, Issues, Etc., 5/14/15

Collect (Prayer for Lesson): Break in sunder, O Lord, we beseech You, the chains of our sins; that, taking upon us Your light yoke and easy burden, we may serve You, with fear and reverence, all the days of our life; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Click on the links for the readings, hymns, and podcasts.

Source for Collect: The Brotherhood Prayer Book, Collect for Psalm 2.


“The Tower of Babel,” painting by Pieter Brueghel the Elder, A.D. 1563.

Lesson 9
Abraham - Abram's Call and God's Promise to Abraham

In Catechesis class, Lesson 7 is taught alongside Lesson 9 to compare and contrast man attempting to make a name for himself with God making a name for Abraham. Lesson 8 is either skipped or added at the end of the year.

Readings: Genesis 11:27-12:21, 15:1-20; Psalm 2 (v. 11)

Complementary Readings:

Abram, Lot, and Melchizedek – Genesis 13:1-14:24

Hagar and IshmaelGenesis 16:1-15

Memorization Verse: Genesis 15:6

Hymn: LSB 569 – In Adam We Have All Been One

Learn More:

God Calls Abraham: Genesis 12:1-9 – Rev. Tom Baker, Issues, Etc., 10/6/14

Christ in the Old Testament: Genesis 12:1-9 – Rev. Brian Kachelmeier, Issues, Etc., 3/13/14

Collect (Prayer for Lesson): Break in sunder, O Lord, we beseech You, the chains of our sins; that, taking upon us Your light yoke and easy burden, we may serve You, with fear and reverence, all the days of our life; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Click on the links for the readings, hymns, and podcasts.

Source for Collect: The Brotherhood Prayer Book, Collect for Psalm 2.


“The Caravan of Abram,” painting by James Tissot, A.D. 1903.

Lesson 10
Abraham - God Changes Abram's Name and the Three Visitors

Readings: Genesis 17:1-19:38; Psalm 37:1-15 (v. 17)

Complementary Readings: Abraham and Abimelech – Genesis 20:1-18

Memorization Verse: Genesis 17:5

Hymn: LSB 798 – The God of Abraham Praise

Learn More:

God’s Covenant with Abraham: Genesis 15:1-6, 17:1-27 – Rev. Tom Baker, Issues, Etc., 10/20/14

God Visits Abraham and Sarah, Genesis 18 – Rev. Tom Baker, Issues, Etc., 10/27/14

Christ in the Old Testament: Genesis 18 & 19 – Rev. Brian Kachelmeier, Issues, Etc., 7/14/16

Archeological Attempts to Locate Sodom and Gomorrah – Dr. Andrew Steinmann, Issues, Etc., 10/23/15

Evangelical Compromise on Divorce & How Does the Story o Sodom Apply to Homosexuality? – Dr. Robert Gagnon, Issues, Etc., 4/4/13

Collect (Prayer for Lesson): O God, the blessedness of all who put their trust in You, Who are both the Witness and the Judge of them that contend in the race of righteousness; we pray You that You would so keep us from falling in this life, that You may crown us in the life to come; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Click on the links for the readings, hymns, and podcasts.

Source for Collect: The Brotherhood Prayer Book, Collect for Psalm 37.


Russian of the Old Testament Trinity by Andrei Rublev showing the three Angels being hosted by Abraham, A.D. 1408-25.

Lesson 11
Isaac - Abraham's Faith Is Tested and the Lord Provides the Lamb

Readings: Genesis 21:1-7, 22:1-18; Hebrews 11:8-12, 17-19; Psalm 88 (v. 2a)

Complementary Readings

Hagar and Ishmael Depart & A Covenant with Abimelech – Genesis 21:8-34

The Family of Nahor Sarah’s Death and Burial – Genesis 23:1-19

Memorization Verse: Hebrews 11:12

Hymn: LSB 547 – The Lamb

Learn More:

The Birth of Isaac – Rev. Tom Baker, Issues, Etc., 9/23/20

The Binding of Isaac – Rev. Tom Baker, Issues, Etc., 9/29/20

The Sacrifice of Isaac – Dr. Ken Schurb, Issues, Etc., 12/14/20

Old Testament Patriarch Isaac – Rev. Dr. Tom Egger, 8/16/19

Collect (Prayer for Lesson): O God, Redeemer of all, and ineffable giver of our salvation, Who passing into hell for us, was free among the dead, hear the prayer of Your servants, and deliver us from the grievous bondage of the crafty foe; Who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Click on the links for the readings, hymns, and podcasts.

Source for Collect: The Brotherhood Prayer Book, Collect for Psalm 88.


“Sacrifice of Isaac,” painting by Caravaggio, A.D. 1603.

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